Sunday, May 24, 2020

Hillary Clinton Bio - Political Career Highlights

Hillary Clinton is a Democrat and the partys nominee for president of the United States in the 2016 election. Clinton is also one of the most polarizing figures in modern American politics. She is a former first lady who launched her own political career after leaving the White House. Her primary opponent for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016 was U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a self-described Democratic socialist who drew large crowds after building a solid following among young voters.   If elected, Clinton  would be the first woman president in history.   Many progressive Democrats, however, were lukewarm toward her candidacy because they believed her to be too tied to Wall Street. And Republican Party leaders cheered her candidacy because they believed their nominee would easily beat a scandal-plagued candidate in a general election in which trust would become a major issue.   Related Story: Could Bill Clinton Serve As Hillarys Vice President? Here are some key facts about Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clintons Campaigns for President Clinton has run for the Democratic presidential nomination twice, once in 2008 and again in 2016. She lost the primary race in 2008 to Democratic U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, who went on to win the presidency that year by defeating the Republican nominee, U.S. Sen. John McCain. Clinton won 1,897 delegates in the 2008 Democratic presidential primaries, short of the 2,118 needed to win the nomination. Obama won 2,230 delegates. Related Story: Why the 2016 Democratic National Convention is Being Held in Philadelphia She was widely seen as the presumptive nominee even before the 2016 campaign began, and she lived up to those expectations in many of the early primaries, including her substantial victories on Super Tuesday of that year. Key Issues When she announcer her candidacy in April of 2015, Clinton made it clear that the biggest issue of her campaign would be the economy and helping the vanishing middle class. In a short video posted on the Internet by her campaign that month, Clinton said: Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion so you can do more than just get by. You can get ahead, and stay ahead. Because when families are strong, America is strong. Related Story: Hillary Clinton on the Issues At Clintons first campaign rally, held in June of 2015, she continued to focus heavily on the economy and the struggles of the middle class hit hard by the Great Recession of the late 2000s. We’re still working our way back from a crisis that happened because time-tested values were replaced by false promises. Instead of an economy built by every American, for every American, we were told that if we let those at the top pay lower taxes and bend the rules, their success would trickle down to everyone else.What happened? Well, instead of a balanced budget with surpluses that could have eventually paid off our national debt, the Republicans twice cut taxes for the wealthiest, borrowed money from other countries to pay for two wars, and family incomes dropped. You know where we ended up. Professional Career Clinton is an attorney by trade.  She served as counsel to the  House Judiciary Committee 1974. She worked as a staffer investigating the impeachment of President Richard M. Nixon amid the Watergate scandal.   Political Career Clintons political career began before she was elected to any public office.   She served as: First Lady of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981 and 1983 to 1993: She served in this capacity when her husband served as the 40th and 42nd governor of the state.First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001: She served in this capacity after her husband was elected president and served two terms.U.S. Senator from New York from  Jan. 3, 2001, to Jan. 21, 2009U.S. Secretary of State under President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2013 Major Controversies Clinton became a polarizing figure in American politics before even being elected. As first lady, she helped draft and propose sweeping changes to the nations health care system, earning the ire of congressional Republicans who believed she was unqualified to oversee the changes and a public that was skeptical of her involvement. The health-reform debacle was critical in framing Hillarys public image, and despite her years of accomplishment in her own right, she still carries the burdens of that failure, wrote The American Prospect. But the most serious scandals surrounding Clinton was her use  of a personal email address and server instead of a more secure government account as secretary of State, and her handling of the attacks in Benghazi.   Related Story: Could Bill Clinton Serve In Hillarys Cabinet? The email controversy, which first surfaced in 2015 after she had left the position, and lingering questions over her preparedness as secretary of State during the Benghazi attacks both plagued her 2016 presidential campaign. Critics alleged Clintons behavior in both cases raised questions about whether she could be trusted if elected to the most powerful position in the free world. In the email scandal, her political foes suggested her use of a private email served opened up classified information to hackers and foreign enemies. There was no evidence it had, however. In the Benghazi attacks, Clinton was accused of doing too little, too late to prevent the deaths of Americans at a U.S. diplomatic compound there, then covering up the administrations bungling of the attacks. Education Clinton attended  public schools in Park Ridge, Illinois. In 1969 she earned a bachelor of arts degree from Wellesley College, where she wrote her  senior thesis on Saul Alinskys activism and writings. She earned a law degree from Yale Law School in 1973. Personal Life Clinton is married to former President Bill Clinton, who served two terms in the White House. He is one of  only two presidents who have been impeached in U.S. history. Clinton was accused of  misleading a grand jury about his extramarital affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky and then persuading others to lie about it. Their permanent address is  Chappaqua, a wealthy suburb of New York.   The couple has one child, Chelsea Victoria. She appeared with Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail in 2016. Hillary Clinton was born Oct. 26, 1947, in Chicago, Illinois. She has two brothers,  Hugh Jr. and Anthony. She has written two books about her life:  Living History  in 2003, and  Hard Choices  in 2014. Net Worth The Clintons are worth  between $11 million and $53 million, according to financial disclosures.   The last time  Clinton filed financial disclosures as a member of the U.S. Senate, in 2007, she reported a net worth of between $10.4 and $51.2 million, making her the  12th wealthiest member of the U.S. Senate at the time, according to the Washington, D.C.-based watchdog group Center for Responsive Politics. She and her husband have earned at least $100 million since leaving the White House in 2001, according to published reports. Much of that money comes from speaking fees.  Hillary Clinton is said to have been paid $200,000 for each speech shes given since leaving the Obama administration. ___ Sources for this bio include: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, Living History, [New York: Simon Schuster, 2003],  Center for Responsive Politics.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Homelessness Satire - 821 Words

HOMELESSNESS It is a melancholy hearing about the issue of homelessness worldwide. There are countless homeless people on the streets of these large cities. So we ask ourselves; why are people still without homes when new jobs are being created everyday or when unemployment still has not reached zero? This seems to be an ever haunting problem even though it would be so easy to erase it. I think we have reached our limits of dealing with thousands of homeless people blocking doorsteps and sidewalks disturbing us with their begging hands. While most claim to use the money we provide them to buy food or shelter, most will use it feed their addictions. Do you want your money being spent on cigarettes and alcohol? Why should we have to give†¦show more content†¦Think of all the advancements in technology we could arrive at through using these people for research. We’ll be one step closer to a cure for cancer. We’ll be one step closer to beauty products helping us look 10 years younger. Using the homeless experimentally will not only benefit themselves but us as well. First, this will get everyone off the streets and allow them to become a part of something that is profitable and rewarding. There will no longer be an issue of homeless people. Second, think of all the improvements in medicine and surgery we could accomplish. Or the advancements in technology we could reach. Think of the loved ones we could save through finding cures. Third, think of all the millions and billions of dollars we could save and use towards something productive instead of throwing it away to charities or food banks. We need to stop thinking of others and think of ourselves. We need to put ourselves first and do what is best for us. Now, don’t talk to me about affordable housing or inclusive mental health services. Don’t talk to me about tax-funded services such as shelters, food banks or health centers. Don’t talk to me about volunteering to help build schools or homes. Don’t talk to me about volunteering at local soup kitchens. Don’t talk to me about building more transitional houses or distributing food stamps. Don’t talk to me about giving them an actual chance in theShow MoreRelated Naked Lunch and A Modest Proposal Essay1420 Words   |  6 PagesNaked Lunch and A Modest Proposal In 1729, Jonathon Swift published an essay titled A Modest Proposal, which dealt with the issue of homelessness among the poor families of his country. His satirical proposal to control the population of homeless children stirred a debate on the morality of his proposal. Two hundred and thirty years later in 1959, William S. Burroughs published a novel entitled Naked Lunch, which dealt with the desperate struggle of drug addiction and the governments role inRead MoreA Modest Proposal By Jonathan Swift Essay836 Words   |  4 PagesIn Jonathan Swift’s â€Å"A Modest Proposal†, we are exposed to the timeless issue of homelessness and the state’s role in their social welfare. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cultural Differences Paper Free Essays

Many people throughout the world indentify themselves by their cultural background. It is common knowledge that there are many different cultures throughout the world. Each culture has its similarities and differences. We will write a custom essay sample on Cultural Differences Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now Every individual has multiple identities Race, ethnic, gender, national, regional, organizational, personal, cyber/fantasy—that act in concert. The importance of any single identity is a result of the situation. As the context varies, you may choose to emphasize one or more of your identities. A conceptual inquiry into race or gender would seek an articulation of our concepts of race or gender (Riley 1988). For outside a rather narrow segment of the academic world, the term ‘gender’ has come to function as the police way to talk about the sexes. And one thing people feel pretty confident about is their knowledge of the difference between males and females. The situation is similar, if not worse, with respect to race. The self-evidence of racial distinctions in everyday American life is at striking odds with the uncertainty about the category of race. Is it useful to begin by reflecting on the questions: â€Å"What is gender? †, â€Å"What is race? † and related questions such as: â€Å"What is it to be a man or a woman? â€Å"What is it to be White? African American, or Latino? In this paper, we analyze the multicultural concepts of racial identity and gender identity and point out their significance in understanding cultural differences. Gender Identity Gender is a set of characteristics distinguishing between male and female, particularly in the cases of men and women. Depending on the context, the discriminating characteristics vary from sex to social role to gender identity. Gender being male or female is a basic element that helps make up and individual’s personality and sense o self. Gender identity disorder is a condition in which a male or female feels a strong identification with the opposite sex (Bussey K, Braunda 1999). A person with this disorder often experiences great discomfort regarding his or her actual anatomic gender. People with gender identity disorder may act and present themselves as members of the opposite sex and may express a desire to alter their bodies. The disorder affects an individual’s self-image, and can impact the person’s mannerisms, behavior, and dress. Individuals who are committed to altering their physical appearance through cosmetics, hormones and, in some cases, surgery are known as transsexuals A person with a gender identity is a person who strongly identifies with the other sex. The individual may identify with the opposite sex to the point of believing that he/she is, in fact, a member of the other sex who is trapped in the wrong body. This causes that person to experience serious discomfort with his/her own biological sex orientation. The gender identity disorder causes problems for this person in school, work or social settings. This disorder is different from transvestism or transvestic fetishism where cross-dressing occurs for sexual pleasure, but the transvestite does not identify with the other sex (Ruble DN 1994) Racial Identity Racial identity is which racial society a person mostly identifies with. However, in today’s world many people have two or more racial identities that make it more difficult for them to grasp and understand the cultural traditions and beliefs. On of the most prominent influences in America is President Barack Obama. As the Unites States first black president has taken office, a new report about race suggests it is a changeable marker of social status rather that a fixed characteristic of one’s birth. Jayson, 2008) Although this presidency will change history forever, President Obama will not be remember for the works that he does in office but for his ethical identity which has been in question since he has taken office. Multicultural, race and society have tremendous ethical influences on our lives, values and experiences. These can also provide a guideline for how we interact with one another on a daily bases. A person can account for suspicion and hat red among people of the same race when it comes to loyalty, affiliation and rigid adherence to stereotypical behavior as well as being the source of comradery and lasting unions. Through racial socialization, individuals are imbued with messages that determine the appropriateness and inappropriateness of their roles as racial being. (Carter, 1995) Racial identity can be one of the most important factors of a human life because it can determine how they live, love, and survive. Conclusion Begin your paper here. Double space the entire document. Be sure to indent the first line of each paragraph between five and seven spaces by pressing the Tab key one time on the keyboard. Happy writing! How to cite Cultural Differences Paper, Papers

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

An Incident You Will Never Forget Essay Example For Students

An Incident You Will Never Forget Essay Certain incidents so impress us that they leave an indelible mark on our memory. I was once involved in an incident of which I shall always have vivid recollections. The incident occurred when I visited a village in India together with my parents, sometime during my holidays last year. Early in the morning on the day the incident occurred, I was talking with a few of my new friends in that village. All of a sudden, a boy of my age came rushing towards us to break the news that violence had broken out in the neighborhood. Alarmed at this news, we began to protect ourselves, and before long the violence spread like wild fire throughout our area. I was a little confused at first for I had no idea about the cause of the outbreak of violence there. One of my friends told me that the area had been notorious for such occurrence owing to rivalry between two parties. Each party tried to destroy the influence of the other in that area, and the bad blood that existed between them had caused several deaths and great misery to innocent people for a long time. Official influence could not be exercised effectively in this area owing to its remoteness from the centers of authority. The members of the rival parties therefore enjoyed almost complete freedom of action. The police arrived only when there was news of violence, and often long after the damage has been done. While I was listening to this account of facts and events, the situation suddenly took an ugly turn. A man who had been standing a short distance away from us ran into his house most unexpectedly, and within minutes his house was ablaze. My friends and I then ran towards his house to put out the fire; but we were stopped by a few burly men who were holding lethal weapons in their hands. They threatened to kill if we offered any help to anyone. One of them had even struck me on my head with a stick. We realized instantly that we were no match for them and that discretion was the better part of valor. We therefore decided to proceed no further. Soon the fire from that house began to spread and several houses were burning. There were frantic cries for help. Men, women, and children were running in all directions in their desperate attempts to save whatever they could from the fire, in spite of the interference of the gangsters. A few of the unfortunate ones were burned to death, including the man who had set fire to his own house. We then concluded that the man must have been so disgusted with what we had seen for so long that he had no more desire to live, and this was his way of putting an end to himself. It was indeed a pathetic sight. Then, after several hours, the police arrived when more than a quarter of the village had already been burned to ashes. They asked us several questions to find out if we had ourselves participated in the violence. As I was foreigner who would be leaving that village the following day, I had the courage to answer all their questions and to point out the men who had threatened to kill us. Those men were then arrested together with other suspects. Early next morning, my parents and I left the village with no more desire to re-visit this place; but my memory of this incident will remain fresh forever.