Friday, October 25, 2019

My Hope for Tomorrow’s Schools :: Education Teaching Classroom Learning Essays

My Hope for Tomorrow’s Schools I believe schools should help students develop their value systems, if indeed these values are of God. I am a born again Christian believer of the gospel of Jesus Christ; therefore, my values are based upon the good, the true, and the beautiful which comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our society is based on a number of fundamental values; values derived from biblical truths. These truths are our highest pattern of virtue. I believe we, as teachers, have a certain degree of power to stop the moral disintegration of our society, by helping students develop biblical and Godly values. Teachers have the opportunity to instill a desire for these values within our students, yet still bear in mind that these students have a choice as to whether they want to accept these values as their own. Perhaps if Christian values remained within our school systems, the Columbine shootings as well as other school shootings, would never have happened. Today’s children are faced with an extremely challenging social environment. Therefore, I believe that adults must demonstrate to young people that it is possible to live one’s values and to advocate for a more just and responsible society. It is of the utmost importance that teachers be positive moral models and to administer character education to our children, so that we may help them understand, through experience, that what they value matters and that living their virtue lends meaning and richness to their own lives. I also believe that students need knowledge of their social, political, and economic world, and that character education will motivate them to participate in social change in order to create a more just society. Social change needs to take place in certain areas. Issues such as discrimination and bigotry can strangle an otherwise workable society. If every one of us would strive to live our lives as God has commanded, not suggested, then there would be no place in our society for discrimination and bigotry. The world literally stands or falls on mankind’s actions- each of us possessing a potential for a strategic significance to maximize the impact of good. Mankind has a high position, but no one should think themselves to be more worthy or more important than anyone else. One of the tragedies of prejudice is that it may separate one from a potential source of help.

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